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Return of this band, which will be recorded live!. A veritable supergroup! Jim Hart, Dave Smith, Michael Janisch, Anthonin Tri-Hoang (heard here most recent with Eve Risser), Hannes Riepler.

After a successful North American tour taking in Rochester, Vancouver, Vitoria and Twin Cities Jazz festivals, Cloudmakers Trio of Jim Hart, Michael Janisch and Dave Smith once again open the door to collaboration by inviting two special guests for a program of new music penned by vibraphonist Jim Hart. Joined by Austrian-born guitarist Hannes Riepler and French-based alto saxophonist Antonin Tri Hoang this new music sees the band exploring their renown cataclysm of exciting rhythmical interplay paired with the two front line voices resulting in their strongest program of original, genre-twisting music to date.

Read interview with Jim Hart here:

“They were individually and in combination electrifying…The quintet are individually top drawer players. Hart’s writing and their empathy meshes them into a formidable unit.” – Mike Collins, jazzblogman

“This music is more clearly about group interaction and I noticed that despite the sometimes mind bogglingly complex nature of the material none of the musicians were sight reading, something that suggested that a high premium was being placed upon musical risk taking and the improvisational process.” Ian Mann, thejazzmann.




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