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Vortex discussion 60 – Livestreaming: fit for purpose?

“Livestreaming” has become a term covering a multitude of things: from a polar bear rolling around in the snow to watching live weather from a videocam. But for us, basically any video concert made available online. But there are so many variations on the topic. Freely available via Youtube, broadcast direct to a cinema or similar, one-off behind a paywall.

But what does it achieve? One musician particularly said in a conversation that it inhibit creativity and impact on the audience? How different is it for a musician’s thought process?

Trying to look beyond and how it might help, or not, music and its performance.

Mediated by Oliver Weindling, Vortex director, this discussion is open to all, whether you want to join in or just listen.

Meeting ID: 493 403 5526


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