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Vortex discussion 71 – Freedom! How important is it? (contd)

How important is freedom for expression of individuality, such as in jazz. How is it shown?

‘Freedom’, according to a new book by Louis Menand, has been a cornerstone of art and culture in western society since 1945. He cites artists such as Jackson Pollock. But does it not extend to our music? What is the minimum required? Or is it a myth, which we have been mistakenly beholden to? Are there other, better ways to encourage expression as an individual?

Join our weekly Zoom conversation, led by Vortex director Oliver Weindling. Be as active or passive as you want!



Topic: Vortex discussion 71
Time: Sep 15, 2021 05:30 PM London

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Meeting ID: 850 3534 2070
Passcode: 187189



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