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Whispered Tales

Doors 6:30 PM, Music 7:30 PM – 1 set(s) of music



Chiara Spigariol – Drums

Mark McQuillan – Bass Guitar

Tom Stephenson – Piano

Rebecka Edlund – Voice

Opening act by Tom Leader

Songs written and composed by Chiara and Alice Spigariol



Chiara Spigariol is an Italian drummer and composer based in London that has been working as a professional musician for the past 4 years, playing in venues like Ronnie’s Scott, The Vortex, the Elisabeth Hall, The Spice of Life and many more clubs and jazz festivals all around the UK.

Her project is a concept album that mixes Jazz with Folk music and is a collection of stories based on books, myth, theatre and art. The songs will take you on a journey from Romeo and Juliet to the Little Prince. From The Symposium to The woman in Gold painted by Klimt. The Album is Called “Whispered Tales” and she and her band mates have been working on this performance for over a year, getting wonderful feedback from the audience.


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