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Blow The Fuse presents Dakhla and Maggie Nicols

Blow the Fuse continue their latest series of Tomorrow the Moon, a celebration of women-led projects from every generation.

Maggie Nicols is heralded as a pioneer of free improvisation. She is maybe less well known as a soulful and innovative interpretor of well-loved songs and original compositions. This performance will feature a side of Maggie rarely glimpsed on stage, and certainly not to be missed.

.”.. She sang beautifully,sometimes evoking Bulgarian, Arabic or Indian vocal styles, but mainly sounding like Maggie Nicols, world citizen.” Alex Varty, review of Vancouver Jazz Festival
Deirdre Cartwright guitar
Alison Rayner bass
Asaf Sirkis drums


Original music combining evocative harmonies, intricate rhythms, absorbing soundscapes; from one extraordinary drummer and four top-of-their-game horn-players. You won’t have heard anything quite like Bristol-based quintet Dakhla Brass.

“Fabulously unique, and uniquely fabulous”  Venue

“An amazingly intricate machine, a great world-travelling vehicle: a sight to behold and a sound to be heard”  Listomania

“A powerhouse. Talent, instinct and creativity make them a real force to be reckoned with”  Sound On Sound

Charlotte Ostafew – Baritone Saxophone
Sophie Stockham – Alto Saxophone
Pete Judge – Trumpet
Liam Treasure – Trombone
Matt Brown – Drums

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