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Clara Green Quartet

Doors 7:45 PM, Music 8:30 PM – 2 set(s) of music



Clara Green – Voice

Bruno Heinen – Piano

Andrea Di Biase – Double Bass

Riccardo Chiaberta – Drums



February 2024 saw the highly anticipated release of the debut album of London based Swedish jazz vocalist Clara Green and her quartet, titled ‘Being Green’ (Honolulu Records).

The Clara Green Quartet first started taking form back in 2016 when the band members discovered a mutual appreciation for the 1964 album ‘Waltz for Debby’ by the Bill Evans Trio and Swedish vocalist Monica Zetterlund.

Inspired by this classic collaboration the group started experimenting with the possibilities of merging the rich Swedish folk music tradition with jazz. The resulting soundscape presents an original approach to textural and harmonic exploration, whilst maintaining a strong melodic connotation and a sense of storytelling.

The evening’s performance will centre around compositions and arrangements by Clara, and will be completed with band member arrangement contributions of classic jazz repertoire. As a vocalist Clara Green makes her Vortex debut with a project under her own name, join the band for a night where the gripping earthy sounds of the north meets the London jazz scene. Expect everything from solos infused with Nordic cattle calling to inventive yet wholesome renditions of jazz standards.

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