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Freight Train: Cathy Jordan, Liam Noble, Paul Clarvis

Doors 7:45 PM, Music 8:30 PM



Cathy Jordan – Voice

Liam Noble – Synthesizer

Paul Clarvis – Percussion



Out of lockdown reflection time, emerged this unique and exhilarating trio…the world of irish folk meets jazz in an streaming youtube set mixed with mose allison blues

Cathy Jordan, Liam Noble & Paul Clarvis joined forces to create a new big sound from small resources for a lockdown commission…one of those songs is below for you to listen.

Cathy Jordan was born in county roscommon is a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, playing guitar, bodhran, bones and bouzouki. She has been the lead vocalist for the traditional Irish music band dervish since 1991, and is a solo performer as well. Jordan is also a member of the group the unwanted. her first solo album, entitled all the way home, was released in January, 2012. at the end of 2019 dervish received a prestigious lifetime achievement award from the BBC, a fitting tribute to the band after over 30 years of recording and performing all over the world. Described by the BBC as “an icon of Irish music”

Her love for traditional singing was instilled at an early age, especially by her father. Cathy began singing publicly at all kind of feiseanna and concerts as a child. In later years she took to performing a wide range of material as a solo performer in the midlands. in the summer of 1990 Cathy met informally with dervish and was shortly afterwards asked to join the band. Paul first heard Cathy sing 5 years ago in pub in sligo…and was immediately drawn to the directness of her voice , with a dynamic range from a whisper to louder than concorde…the following year , they played a gig together at the wonderful sligo jazz festival … Paul was looking for an opportunity to involve her in other projects , and the request from west midlands jazz in lockdown seemed like the perfect opportunity

Liam and Paul first met playing and touring in moondog’s band …collaborating in many joint projects including their duo and Pigfoot.

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