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Mike Chillingworth Quartet – Album Launch

Doors 7:45 PM, Music 8:30 PM – 2 set(s) of music



Mike Chillingworth – Alto Saxophone

Ivo Neame – Piano

Tom Farmer – Double Bass

Jon Scott – Drums



While trapped for several days on a bus with fifty children Mike decided to escape his reality the only way he knew how – by immersing himself in a mathematically torturous rhythmic prison of his own design. Over the following months he attempted to make sense of the relentless polyrhythmic ear-worms which had by now burrowed deep in to his grey matter. An accord was reached, call it Stockholm syndrome if you like, so get ready as he prepares to present the fruits of his tortured psyche, with the help of some of his favourite musicians/inmates, and celebrate the release of their new album Friday the Thirteenth on Ubuntu Music.


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