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ONe_Orchestra New

Doors 7:45 PM, Music 8:30 PM – 2 set(s) of music



Caroline Kraabel – Alto Saxophone/Voice

Emily Shapiro – Clarinets

Charlotte Keeffe – Trumpet

Maya Leigh Rosenwasser – Piano/Percussion

Sue Lynch – Tenor Saxophone/Flute/Clarinet

Damsel Elysium – Violin

Cath Roberts – Baritone Saxophone

Kirsty Ferguson Lewis – Voice

Jacken Elsewyth – Banjo

Sofia Vaisman Maturana – Cello

Shima Kobayashi – Chromatic Harmonica

Lucila Greco & Rosalie Bell – Dance

Plus Special Guests



ONe_Orchestra New is a large group of improvising musicians brought together by Caroline Kraabel and made up of women, non-binary people and trans people.

Exploring improvisation and identity: even the milieu of improvised music can be experienced as an enclave that excludes, despite the perception that associates improvisation with limitlessness and freedom.

How do people who improvise feel and think DIFFERENTLY from each other on the subject? How do we avoid – or alter – any dominance of particular groups over the theory or practice of improvisation?

Does the experimental nature of improvisation make it easier for members of élites to shine in the field, because they have more pre-existing socio-cultural capital that validates their experiments?

Or is improvisation easier for outsiders who are already primed to find alternative paths?

How are improvisers and listeners affected by their identities and cultural histories?

For improvisers who have experienced forms of oppression in music making and/or life, is the aim when making music merely to recapitulate existing power structures, but try to place themselves at the top, or to create new and fairer structures?

Keep Your Laws Off My Body, One_Orchestra New’s recent single in support of the right to bodily autonomy.

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