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Refugee Tales presents Jazz & Stories

Doors 2:30 PM, Music 3 PM



The actor Shobu Kapoor, well-known from TV and films, will read ‘The Detainee’s Tale’ by Ali Smith and ‘The Support Worker’s Tale’ by Josh Cohen.

Walking Statues, a world/jazz/contemporary trio brings together folk music from the Mediterranean, contemporary western sounds and an improvisational approach.

Ziad Hisham – electric guitar

Domenico Angarano – bass / piano

Stefano Ancora – drums

The UK is the only country in western Europe which practises indefinite immigration detention: people can be locked up in prison-like conditions for months and years when their only offence is to be a migrant.

Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group [GDWG] has supported people detained on the perimeter road of Gatwick Airport for almost 30 years. Refugee Tales is a project which has published 5 volumes of their stories to inform the world of this inhumane policy and walks regularly to call for its end.

We are raising funds for GDWG.

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