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Doors 7:45 PM, Music 8:30 PM – 2 set(s) of music



Clemens Kuratle – Drums

Dee Byrne – Alto saxophone

Chris Guilfoyle – Electric guitar

Elliot Galvin – Piano

Lukas Traxel – Double Bass



The musical instrument as a quill. Clemens Kuratle constructs non-verbal discourse spaces in which perspectives are imbued with voice through sound. Kuratle is an avid seeker, passionately delving into the causes, entanglements, and consequences of historical and contemporary conflicts, without claiming to provide answers but rather to amplify the stories unearthed during thematic exploration. Here lies an urgently compelling melody that paraphrases the language of freedom, amidst a dissonant sonic overlay that serves as the soundtrack to transformation. It’s a deeply involving process for Kuratle, from which music emerges as the ultimate amalgamation of fervor and empathy.


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