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3:00 pm

London Jazz Orchestra – John Taylor Special

John Taylor, one of jazz’s greatest pianists and a founder member of the LJO, died 10 years ago. The band honours his memory with his Quatorze Suite, alongside music he inspired from his successors on piano, Pete Saberton and Alcyona Mick, and from director Scott Stroman with his homage to JT, JT23.

7:30 pm

Trio Grande (1st Show)

A collaborative multi-national trio featuring 3 leading voices in the international jazz scene: Will Vinson on sax & keys, Gilad Hekselman on guitar, and Nate Wood on drums & bass.

9:30 pm

Trio Grande (2nd Show)

A collaborative multi-national trio featuring 3 leading voices in the international jazz scene: Will Vinson on sax & keys, Gilad Hekselman on guitar, and Nate Wood on drums & bass.

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